
At FBCSO, We are Active in Our Faith…
We welcome you to enrich your life by joining one, two, or three…of our ministries.
Please review our ministries below and contact us for information on how to join:

Altar Counselor

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

Our mission is to provide compassionate, Spirit-led guidance and prayer to those responding to the call of faith. We seek to support individuals as they make decisions for salvation, rededication, or special prayer needs, ensuring they feel embraced by God’s love and connected to the church community.

We envision a ministry where every individual who approaches the altar experiences transformative encounters with God through prayer, counsel, and encouragement. Our goal is to walk alongside them in their spiritual journey, fostering lasting relationships with Christ and the church.

Authentic Manhood

Our purpose at Authentic Manhood is to create a space for men to be men. In a judgement-free atmosphere, Authentic Manhood impacts lives of men and young men through the development of relationships with other men of faith seeking the true definition of manhood as exemplified by Christ.

We envision men at all stages of life learning to walk in their God-given Authentic Manhood identity; an identity that leads to restoration and healing of a wide-range of relationships important to our life and legacy.

Our mission is to encourage men everywhere to discover and live out God’s principles of Authentic Manhood:
  • Rejecting Passivity
  • Accepting Responsibility
  • Investing Eternally
  • Leading Courageously


The growth of the Church made overseeing every matter of the congregation a challenge for the Apostles. As they were not called to neglect daily prayer and the study of the Word, the Office of the Deacons was created. The purpose of the Deacon Ministry is to support the Senior/Lead Pastor in serving the congregation. Therefore, “We exist to serve, minister, and provide aid to the felt needs of the members of FBCSO.”

Our vision is to have all members felt needs met, where every family feels plugged in and represented without disconnect from the church community, and where we all follow Christ, grow in Christ and impact the world for Christ together for God’s glory.


"Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine." Proverbs 3:9-10

The Finance Ministry is the stewarding arm of our church, entrusted with the management of financial resources to support the mission and vision God has given us. Our role is to faithfully receive, track, and allocate funds to ensure that all church operations, ministries, outreach efforts, and community engagements are sustained. By handling the church’s finances with integrity, we help provide the necessary support for the spiritual and physical needs of our congregation and community.

In addition to overseeing financial resources, the Finance Ministry is committed to fostering a culture of financial wisdom and responsibility throughout the church. We partner with financial experts to offer education and resources for all generations, helping members to manage their personal finances according to Biblical principles. This equips our congregation with the tools needed to be good stewards of their resources and encourages a lifestyle of generosity, service, and financial health.

Our vision is to see the church flourish and remain financially sustainable for generations to come. By adhering to Biblical financial practices such as tithing, wise budgeting, and faithful stewardship, we ensure that God’s work in and through our church continues to thrive. We believe that as we honor God with our finances, He will provide abundantly, enabling us to expand His kingdom and impact lives for Christ both now and in the future.

G.R.A.C.E. Care and Counseling

In a nutshell, G.R.A.C.E. (God’s Response and Care Excellence) is “God’s Love in Action! G.R.A.C.E. is a ministry comprised of members who receive special training to provide one-on-one and group Christian care to those in our congregation and community that experience grief, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job lose and many other difficulties.  This ministry is modeled after the Stephen Ministry.  To learn how you, a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative – can receive care, talk to a pastor or Stephen Leader.

Our goal is to build a more caring world.  Our desire is to help congregants and neighbors alike feel valued, cared for and understood as they navigate through some of life’s challenges.


The Health Ministry exists to create and promote programs geared towards identifying and implementing good physical, nutritional, and emotional health practices for our congregation and community. Our goal is to reduce illness and maintain health by providing wellness resources by educating and serving at services and events.

We envision a healthy community where every fabric becomes saturated with health care knowledge and the message of good health.

Intercessory Prayer

"These I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer." — Isaiah 56:7

The Intercessory Prayer Ministry is composed of individuals with a deep passion for praying on behalf of God’s Church. Our mission is to transform the lives of our congregation, community, and the world through the power of prayer. We serve by interceding for our leaders, congregation, ministries, events, initiatives, and the overall mission and vision that God has entrusted to our church.

Our vision is to see God's vision for our church fulfilled, with every member becoming a prayer warrior, offering prayers and sacrifices at the holy mountain of God.

L.I.F.T. (Ladies In Fellowship Together)

According to Lifeway Research, 63% (3 in 5) of women churchgoers attend a church that has an organized women’s ministry. Over 68% of those women say that forming significant relationships with other women, particularly multi-generational relationship is a welcomed blessing. That’s why at L.I.F.T. we want all women to know that a woman of faith can do all things through Christ! Our purpose is to develop woman to become dynamic disciples in their fellowship and walk with Christ, and with one another.

By providing a healthy and authentic safe space for learning, sharing, and discussing faith topics, we want to see every woman become a L.I.F.T. woman and model what it means to be a woman of faith for women everywhere.


Our mission as a Marriage Ministry is to support and make marriages stronger in Christ!  We teach and encourage married and engaged couples on how to reveal, reflect, and reverence the heart of God within their marriage and engaged relationships based on sound Biblical principles.  As a ministry, we share ways that couples can give themselves to each other in the way Christ has His Church.

We envision that every marriage is grounded in Christ and the Word of God - where each marriage thrives and where the pains caused by generational dysfunction, discord, and despair that lead to divorce, separation, and broken hearts of children are abolished.



The mission of the music ministry is to glorify God by creating an atmosphere of corporate praise, and authentic worship. Through the various music departments, the Presence of God is encountered, and the hearts of worshippers are transformed.   

The purpose of the music and worship ministries is to create and provide an atmosphere of expressive forms of authentic worship to God in adherence to Biblical, theological truths.  Ministry team members draw from spiritual gifts and spirit-filled expressions of worship through song lyrics and playing of instruments. All music ministry departments have a primary purpose to glorify God through a saved, dedicated and growing life and relationship with God.  As team members, they must have a priority commitment to the music ministry of FBCSO.

We envision creating an infectious, congregation-unified atmosphere of true worshippers, so spiritually impactful, that the Presence of God reaches the lives of the saved, unsaved, and unchurched in the community.  We aim to see to it that everyone in our ministry falls in love with worshipping God, has the desire to be used by God, and possesses the musical ability to Point the Way to Jesus in everything we do.


Music Ministry Sub-division Teams

Celebration Choir

The Celebration Choir exists to offer contemporary music as a song genre style, that glorifies God during our worship services.  The choir’s purpose is to be examples of the message for all who are present to see, before the message is preached.

Our vision is to use our gifts as a contemporary choir to reach those whom God desires and allow the Holy to restore, heal, and encourage others to Himself in Christ, until He returns. 

Male Chorus

"Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth." Psalm 96:1

The Male Chorus is a ministry dedicated to offering praise to God through the powerful tradition of quartette-style gospel music. Comprised of men from multiple generations, the chorus unites voices in a shared passion to glorify God in song. Through their music, they embody the strength and unity of godly men, using their talents to lead the congregation in worship, inspire hearts, and proclaim the message of the gospel.

The vision of the Male Chorus extends beyond music; it is a ministry of fellowship, mentorship, and spiritual growth. By coming together to praise God, they encourage one another in their walk with Christ, providing an example of faith, leadership, and service.


Worship Team

Worship teams are considered ministers of the Gospel through psalm and songs. The ministry’s function is to glorify God while creating a spirit-filled atmosphere of praise and worship, that encourages and edifies others in the Lord.

In keeping with the church’s mission and vision, our worship is solely to Point the Way to Jesus with the praise and worship we offer Him on earth to be accepted in heaven.


Youth Choir

"Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

The mission of our Youth Choir is to cultivate a heart of worship in our young people by teaching them to glorify God through song. We seek to create an environment where youth can develop their musical talents, grow in their faith, and experience the joy of leading others in worship. Through music, we inspire our youth to build a strong foundation in Christ, encouraging them to use their gifts to serve the church and impact their peers.

Our vision is to raise a generation of passionate worshippers who honor God with their voices and their lives. We aim to foster spiritual growth, leadership, and community among the youth, equipping them to be a light within the church and beyond. Through their dedication to worship, we envision the youth choir becoming a powerful force for unity and inspiration, leading the congregation in heartfelt praise while deepening their own relationships with Christ.


At NextUp!, our purpose is to impact the lives of young adults ages 18-35.  Our focus is to encourage young adults in the principles of the Word of God. Through resources and targeted programming, we concentrate on the spiritual, emotional, and social developmental strength that young adults need to thrive in life and in their relationship with God.        

Our vision is to see a community of young adults rooted in a Christian environment where every young adult feels welcomed, heard, valued, nurtured, and supported personally and spiritually through godly relationships and biblical discipleship.  


Our mission as a Scholarship Ministry is to support High School and College students in their scholastic endeavors and career ambitions.  Through SAT prep and Clearing House coaching, we equip students and parents with the information they need to help make the process of college acceptance easier.  We help offset the cost of college books and tuition by awarding scholarships to our active youth members in their first year of college or trade school.  We also walk alongside college students throughout their matriculation.  

We envision a door of financial support opened to every student of our church who has the desire to earn a post-secondary degree.    

Social Media

The Social Media Ministry exists for one reason, “To market and show to the world the exciting encounters of God and ways He is transforming lives in, around, and through the various ministries and people at FBCSO.”  As the hands and feet of Christ, our goal is to assure that our online community of “Out-of-State” members, guests, and friends are touched by God and experience moments of His impactful Presence with us.  Our goal is to show the world God by building and making our media presence stronger over various platforms. 

Our vision is that one day, every person in this world will have the opportunity to experience the transformational presence and power of God through the impactful engaging social media platforms of FBCSO. 

Sunday School Enrichment

At Enrichment, we focus on the educational, social, and spiritual skill development of each child by modeling and reinforcing Bible-centered principles taught by parents.  Using a small-group class model, we provide a safe and engaging environment for children ages four through eight, to express themselves and build relationships with others.  Your child will be able to notice and understand the Hand of God in the world around them.  

Our vision is to equip all primary children with the necessary social, academic, and spiritual development tools that builds leadership and promotes strong faith for God’s glory.


"For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness." — Psalm 84:10

The Ushers Ministry serves as the welcoming presence at the threshold of God’s house, embodying the role of "doorkeepers" and "forerunners" of Christ’s love and grace. Our mission is to represent the heart of Christ by extending a warm, hospitable, and spirit-filled greeting to every individual who enters the sanctuary, ensuring they feel valued, cared for, and prepared to worship.

Our ministry is not just about guiding people to their seats; it is about guiding hearts toward an encounter with Jesus. By changing the way people are greeted, we create an atmosphere that reflects the love, peace, and joy of the Lord. We take on the responsibility of preparing the physical and spiritual environment, helping to set the tone for worship and making everyone feel welcome in God's presence.

Through humble service, we point the way to Jesus, ensuring that every person who steps into the church feels the warmth of His embrace, reminding them they have entered a sacred space where God’s love abounds. The role of an usher goes beyond mere logistics—it's an act of worship, serving as Christ's hands and feet to ensure all who come to the Lord’s house feel the presence of His love and grace.


"Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality." Romans 12:13

The Van Ministry exists to serve as an extension of Christ’s love by providing reliable, safe, and accessible transportation for those who may not otherwise have the means to attend church services, ministry events, or community outreach programs. Our goal is to remove barriers to worship and fellowship by ensuring that all members of our congregation and community, regardless of their transportation limitations, can experience the love of God and participate fully in the life of the church.

Our vision is to see a church where every individual, regardless of mobility challenges or distance, can connect with God’s people, engage in worship, and be part of the community. We aspire to be a ministry that not only transports people physically but also fosters spiritual connection and growth. Through our service, we hope to create a welcoming and inclusive environment, ensuring that no one is left behind in their journey to experience God’s presence and participate in the church’s mission.


Our purpose is to create a community of inclusion and engagement for virtual members and guests during services and events. The virtual platforms are a means by which our community can grow spiritually and get plugged into the fabrics of our ministry.

We envision an authentic atmosphere of worship where community, inclusion and engagement are experienced virtually through interpersonal dialogue, group discussions and fellowship with other believers.

Young Lions

Young Lions ministry is a mentoring program designed to help young boys experience and work through the rites of passage to becoming a man. The group addresses spiritual, emotional, and social needs. This ministry also seeks to provide Christian men the opportunity to serve as mentors in the lives of young Christian males.

The vision of the Young Lions Ministry is to raise up the next generation of young men with deep rooted moral character and strength, with a fear and knowledge of God. The goal of the mentor is to see his charge grow to spiritual maturity where he can be used by God in a mighty way. We aim to make disciples of boys and men.

Youth Church

Youth Church exists to impact the lives of children ages nine through fourteen, by providing a safe gathering place where they can worship God and experience His presence through engaging Bible-centered lessons each Sunday.   

Our aim is to change the way children think about God, themselves, and the world around them.